Hello, everybody. Are you relieved that our midterms are finally over? I certainly am, I am getting really tired from exams, because they are taking so much energy from me, especially the tests that we experienced few days ago. I would say it wasn't easy, it was challenging.
Ok, what should I write about? Again, I couldn't find some particular topic, so I am just going to write down my recent observations. At first, the weather is still amazing! I can't forget one morning a few days ago after a snowing night when I went outside and the air was soooo fresh, this moment was just breath taking for me and reminded me winter days. I do love summer , but I love winter as well and can't wait it's coming. Actually for me the time when snowflakes are falling down from the sky - is the best time ever, so beautiful, everything is so calm,white and downy......... Second thing is that we are almost done with our presentations ( there are few left on Monday), but what I've listened till now was really cool, the topics were awesome: how to improve the physical appearance, plastic surgeries, language studying, architecture,etc. Also, we have been asked to evaluate each of the student. Doing it I felt like a teacher. I am definitely not jealous of them, apparently this is so hard ( Poor Scott, he has so much to mark ...) I am not use to it, but I tried to be objective, fair and give strong arguments for my evaluations. Anyway, I have to say, it was fun and everybody did well! The final thing that I want to mention is the new topic which we started studying this week - The mind! I find it as the most interesting and intriguing one! It is hard to understand human brain, so I am sure we will learn something new about it. After we learn more about our brains, we will understand better how it's functioning, and this knowledge, in turn, will allow us to improve our learning skills and study effortlessly!!! I just hope that my brain will be able to survive till that moment, because sometimes I feel like it is going to explode, especially on the tests....... ( and then I have headaches almost every day) Actually studying is developing our brain, it is amazing to discover what it's capable of..... You know what, I think I am going to watch a "Beautiful Mind" again, such a great movie with a very strong performance by Russel Crowe. If someone haven't seen it yet - you must watch it! ( kind of relevant to our topic too) And don't rack your brains too much, it can be very unhealthy!
Have a nice and relaxing weekend!
Have a nice and relaxing weekend!