I am glad that we had such an interesting topic today in class, which made me think and write little bit about it. So, daring and danger...I just remembered that when I was a little, about 3 or 4 years old, I liked to tease dogs, especially big size dogs until one of them bit me. Also, I liked to climb up my wardrobe and jump down from it. But than I was a child , and as we know, children are usually fearless in contrast to adults. Now, I am a different person, who is trying to avoid danger. Why is that? I have always been amazed by people who like extreme sports or do some crazy stuff ( I am talking about parachuting, climbing or Bungee jumping and other adrenaline sports) Actually, I have a couple of friends who always need to feel the adrenalin in their blood, so I will have to ask them more about this need and their motivations, just out of interest. Also,I have always wondered , why some people afraid to experience danger and some people don't. For example, I would love to know what is like to jump from an airplane with a parachute or from the bridge, but I guess I will never experience it because of my FEAR. OK, question, fear of what? I can tell- what if my parachute will turn to be with holes or will not open up at all, or I will not land properly and break my legs. So, people who are ready to take these risks are really brave! Or may be they are little bit crazy? Unfortunately or may be fortunately, my fear is above my motivation, and I let my fears to take over me. Hmm, too bad. I wish I could overcome my dread and jump in order to feel the ''high'' ( I've heard it's unbelievable feeling, specially the skydiving). Clearly that the first time is always the hardest one , like in everything we do,but then I am afraid to become addicted to it and this is another fear and another topic......Another thing, after watching these kinds of videos, I will definitely be afraid even more. People who are impressionable or have very delicate nerves ( like me) do not watch this http://www.metacafe.com/watch/256402/the_ultimate_bridge_jump/
Please don't do crazy stuff and have a nice weekend
Wow, what an interesting video. But these guys are just insain. I think it's okay to risk, to do something thrilling. But some people forgot how to use their common sense.
I'm not really into danger either . . . unless you consider teaching as dangerous! Actually, I do know a teacher who had a student pull a knife on her. Can you imagine?
I know how you feel. I'm always trying to think of dangerous things I would like to do but when it comes down to it I'd never actually go out and try them.
I like how you asked if people had to be brave, or crazy to do risky things. I think it's a bit of both. I jumped of a bridge once (into some really nasty water) with some friends. I'm pretty sure I was more on the crazy side than the brave side when I did it. But, this topic reminds me of a quote (and I don't know who said it) and the quote was "you regret the things that you didn't do more than the ones you did." So I think it's better to do crazy things sometimes, so you know what it was like, otherwise you'll never know.
i think that i used to brave~because i want to try many thing, i became fear of many things since i am growing up...> <
actually me too im not so into dangerouse stuf, i think its nice to try sumthing crazy to ur standered every once in a while but not too much, i like the part where you say please evryone have a safe and not crazy weekend, i dont remeber exactly whta you wrote but it sounded funny hahha
and yea i luv that car , u fall in love once you get to drive it too, its like heaven so smoot and sweet of a ride . :) i really hope so , im hoping to put the down payment on it by the end of this winter so we will see how it goes :)
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