Saturday, December 1, 2007


The finals are approaching and only a few days left till the writing exam which is the most challenging one. Scott said that he might give us a topic to compare things ( contrast or comparison essay), so today I decided to practice a little bit and compare cats with dogs -kind of childish, but useful. Moreover, I couldn't resist and wanted to dedicate at least one column to cats -my favorite creatures. I do like dogs too , but cats - I just adore them, may be I was a cat in my previous life or just because I have always had cats since my early childhood, I don't know. What I know - they are smart, sweet, graceful pets who possess the greatest qualities in the world. One who says that dogs are superior to cats, I won't argue, I will say - may be, but any way it's debatable. We can't say for sure who is better, it is silly, but I want to present some benefits of having a cat over a dog from my personal point of view. Unlike dogs, cats are usually indoor pets and don't have to go out. It means two things. First- you don't have to get up early in the morning in order to walk a dog( imagine if it's freezing outside) as well as to find time to do it in the evening. Second- if you decide to take a trip ( up to 3 days), you can easily leave a cat along at home with no fear, you just have to provide him/her food, water and a litter box. Isn't it simple? In contrast to cats, dogs cannot be along at home more than a day, they are not independent as cats. Another special quality of cats is that they have an ability to reduce stress. I think it has been proved that they have a special influence on people, they actually reduce blood pressure!!! Have you heard an expression - "therapy cats" who can cure? Honestly, when you are patting a cat, you feel relaxed and get the feeling like all your stresses flow out. Although dogs might also have these abilities, I believe that cats are more tranquil than dogs. Many people say dogs are smarter, however if you have a goal to train your cat, it is absolutely possible. Similar to a dog, a cat can understand perfectly your intentions or feelings. Also, both dogs and cats are very loyal to their owners. OK, in conclusion I must say that in spite of the big responsibility, having a pet is a great joy. Each person chooses according to his/her preferences, but I am definitely more attracted to cats rather than dogs. They are sooooooooo cute!


Anonymous said...

That an excellent comparsion and contrast practice. I will give you 100% haaa. You know what, even though i like animals, i feel so scared if they come close to me. If i see them from a distance that's perfect, but if they come closer, I just become so frightened. I don't know why.

maja said...

You wouldn't have had to write the concluding sentence, it was crystal clear which animals you prefer! I never had pets and therefore can't really understand why pets are so important to some people.

Scott Douglas said...

I kind of like both cats and dogs, but I think cats are easier to take care of. I'm so sad because my parent's cat just died :-(

maja said...

What a stupid comment that was I wrote! It's obvious: you can never understand something you haven't experienced yourself!

Ghazal said...

I personally love dogs. They are fun, cute, and always happy.
Cats are scary ....

Bill said...

What an interesting blog. I like dogs rather than cats because I think cats are crazy and dogs are smart.

Hanna Hasegawa said...

I have a cat at my house!! He is very fat,,,Good lack your exams!!