Thursday, December 13, 2007

My appreciation....

Today is December, 13-th , 2 days ago we finished our exams and EAP program. I want to say that for me it was a special and unique program and I really learned a lot. Exactly one year ago, my English was at such a low level, I couldn't imagine that I can improve it significantly and would be able to write, speak and read like I do now. I was eager to achieve English proficiency in order to have a chance to become a student at the university. I know that it is important to continue improving English skills further, but things I have learned till now are so valuable that without them I would have been completely lost! I feel lucky that I had such professional teachers with great personalities and remarkable qualities who made it possible for me. Scott and Sandy, thank you so much!!! Thank you for motivating and inspiring me, for helping me and making the learning process so interesting!! You are such great teachers. I am sure, everyone who gets a chance to be your student is very lucky! And we definitely were fortunate, because not always a person gets a chance like we got in EAP3 with the teachers. And as I have said before, I feel extremely lucky that I had such wonderful instructors ( through the whole program)! I wish you all the best!!! Also, I wish everybody to have great, unforgettable holidays and good rest!


maja said...

It's all over! I'm back in my country, and I've already been skiing today. It was soooo great! Enjoy your holiday!

Scott Douglas said...

I'm so happy that you improved so much. I'm sure you can do anything if you put your mind to it!

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