It's hard to believe that we are already in the midterms. Time just flies , and I start questioning myself: have I made a progress in English till now?We don't have much time till the end of the semester, so I must make a big push and study hard. Hopefully, I will be able to do my best on the exams and not be nervous too much. The thing is that when I am nervous , it takes a lot of time for me to concentrate, and because of that I can miss some important things.I am really glad that we have an extra half an hour in our writing exam, it will give me the opportunity not to freak out from the time limitation. Also, we are going to have 6 choices of different topics, so it kind of enough. This week we started writing our 3-rd essay. I admit its getting harder and harder every time, as it should be I guess ... ( can't imagine what is waiting for us in the end). The thing is that we have to do some research, which is obviously takes more time. But also it is very useful, we can obtain lots of information and facts that we didn't know before. Also, today we finally picked out the topics for our presentations. I am really looking forward to hearing my classmates presentations, it should be very interesting. Pooh, if this post is too boring, sorry, just couldn't find anything to write about, hope that it won't happen to me tomorrow on the test...So I wish you all good luck and success in the mid-term exams!
Hey Julia, can you believe it? The writing mid-term is over already! Don't worry about that stupid conclusion anymore, it doesn't help anyway! Obviously it is a lot harder to write an essay in just 2 1/2 h than at home, over a few days, and it can't possibly be as good - so just let it be. Think positive and enjoy your weekend!
I agree with Maja - stay positive and everything is going to be okay! I'm sure you are on the write track to graduating this semester. Don't forget that you skipped a whole level, and you are managing to keep up with everyone. I'm so proud of you!
HEY julia, i am sorry that haven't been talk with u for long time. Today our mid term has done. i think your speaking test was not bad be honest. The pictures for u were little confused so that u felt not good. Anyway, spent sometimes on your presentation, you can do better.
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