Dreams.....so interesting! I had never thought about it so deeply until we started studying this topic in class.Now I know many versions why people are dreaming, how many times at night and what dreams can mean. Some people believe that dreams can predict the future. Others just associate images from a dream with the events that happened recently. Honestly, I looked at a dream-book few times, but all seemed kind of silly to me so I just dropped it. Moreover, many times it predicted me such terrible things and I thought if I read it, it might effect me and change the reality because I'll start to believe in it... So it is better for me not to turn to the dream dictionaries. In my opinion, dreams could mean unresolved problems and reflection of our daily life, or just the fact that our brains stay active during the night and try to select the whole information obtained during the day. Usually, if I think about something too much ,99% I will see it in my dreams . What worries me - why does my mam frequently see terrible things that related to me in her dreams( especially in the last year)? For example, in her dreams I emerge as injured or almost dying, or crying for help. She always calls me after these scary dreams and checks if I am OK, and also begs me to be extra careful. Why does she have these dreams? Does she worry too much about me all the time, or may be it is kind of warning? For sure, I don't want to search for the answers in the dream-books. They will probably foretell something unpleasant or frightening. Since I am really impressionable person, I would prefer not to know... But it is really interesting to write an essay about dreams , if someone sees fire in his/her dream is welcome to ask me about it because I am already an expert.....
Have sweet dreams!
Hey, so far you've called every subject interesting; but I agree, we learn more than just English. Maybe your mother worries about you because you live far away from her? Have a great weekend, I hope you recover so that you'll be full of energy on Monday.
I used to look at a dream book sometimes too! I used to love interpreting people's dreams. People have said that I have "the gift" :-)
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