Today I decided to dedicate my topic to the weather in Calgary. Since I've been here almost a year and had a chance to observe all 4 seasons, I can surely say that I am pleasantly surprised. I know that the weather could change unexpectedly, but even if tomorrow will be heavy snowstorm, still, I will say that I am happy with the weather. The thing is, before I came in Canada, I had heard many complaints about the climate in here. So I expected that it will be something like in Siberia. Instead, I found that it is mostly shiny and the air is dry, as a result lot's of sun and low humidity soften the severe cold in winter. In summers there are some really hot days, but not so many. This fall season - is the most beautiful and soft period I've ever seen in my life! I wonder, if this year is kind of an exception or may be it is indeed the result of Global Warming. Well, I am curious whether we will have -40 this winter or not? By the way, I have no idea if there is a rule that tells you to stay at home when it's too cold in Canada. For instance, I remember when we had something near -35 in my country, we remained at home because all our classes at school would be cancelled. Many of us wore special boots during the winter, I think in English they are called "felt boots" (from special wool), actually I really miss them, they are funny but so warm! Also, I remember that when it was too cold - wearing 2 pairs of gloves didn't always help me and the first thing I did when I entered home is running to the bathroom in order to put my frozen hands under the extremely hot stream of water for a few minutes. So, I haven't experienced such things in Calgary yet, may be I will , I don't know. In the meantime I enjoy the weather...Actually my main point is that despite everything we can always find beauty in every season and I am glad that they are changing 4 times a year in Calgary, otherwise it would be boring.
I don't think university is ever cancelled. I know I've taught class when it has been -40 degrees outside. However, usually there are only 2 or 3 students who live close to the university like me :-)
I'm kind of disappointed with winter so far. I thought that temperatures would be low in November, and that there would be snow, at least tons of snow in the mountains. But while it's winter in Switzerland (with lots of snow and cold temperatures), it still seems to be fall here in Calgary. What did I pack a toque, gloves and a warm jacket for? I hope I'll need it soon!
the only issue about the wether in calgary is you can not predict it for next one houre. it is annoying when you are living in place with a big window in summer time and evey 30 minutes your feeling changed becuse of sunny, foggy or clouldy sky.
it was amazing that calgary got a buhe snowing on MAY. can you imagine that. Basicly, CAlgary is a cold city. however, snowboarding is the best choice in the winter time. I can't wait to go to COP!
it was amazing that calgary got a buhe snowing on MAY. can you imagine that. Basicly, CAlgary is a cold city. however, snowboarding is the best choice in the winter time. I can't wait to go to COP!
Hey Julia
This is Jason, How's it going?
welcome to my blog!
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